the key concepts in Angular


2 min read

Certainly! Here are some of the key concepts in Angular:

  1. Components: Components are the building blocks of Angular applications. They are reusable pieces of code that can represent a specific part of an application, such as a button or a form.

  2. Services: Services are functions that provide a way to interact with data or functionality in an Angular application. They can be used to retrieve data, perform operations, or provide functionality that can be used throughout an application.

  3. Dependency Injection: Dependency injection is a design pattern used in Angular to manage the dependencies between components and services. It allows developers to easily inject dependencies into components and services, making it easier to test and maintain code.

  4. Routing: Routing is the process of defining the different views and routes in an Angular application. It allows developers to easily navigate between different views and handle URL changes.

  5. Two-way Data Bonding: Two-way data binding is a feature of Angular that allows data to be bidirectionally bound between components and the application's data store. This means that changes made to data in one place are automatically reflected in other parts of the application.

  6. NG- Class: NG-Class is a decorator in Angular that allows developers to add custom attributes to components. It provides a way to manage the component's configuration and styles in a more organized and maintainable way.

  7. NG-Module: NG-Module is a decorator in Angular that allows developers to define custom modules for their applications. It provides a way to organize and manage components and services in a more structured way.

  8. кли transmit: CLI transmit is a feature of Angular that allows developers to easily transmit data between components and services. It provides a way to transfer data between components in a more efficient and maintainable way.

  9. Angular Elements: Angular Elements is a solution in Angular that allows developers to create reusable, customizable UI components that can be used throughout an application. It provides a way to create custom components that can be easily shared and reused.

  10. ng-container: ng-container is a feature of Angular that allows developers to create custom containers for their components. It provides a way to create custom layouts and manage the positioning of components in an application.

These are just some of the key concepts in Angular, but they provide a good overview of some of the main features and ideas behind the framework.
